News and Announcements » – Parallel sequence alignment using PyNAST


A wrapper for the PyNAST option, intended to make use of multicore/multiprocessor environments to perform analyses in parallel.

Usage: [options]

Input Arguments:



-i, --input_fasta_fp
Path to the input fasta file
-o, --output_dir
Path to the output directory


-a, --pairwise_alignment_method
Method to use for pairwise alignments [default: uclust]
-d, --blast_db
Database to blast against [default: created on-the-fly from template_alignment]
-e, --min_length
Minimum sequence length to include in alignment [default: 150]
-p, --min_percent_id
Minimum percent sequence identity to closest blast hit to include sequence in alignment [default: 75.0]
-N, --align_seqs_fp
Full path to Qiime/scripts/ [default: /Users/caporaso/code/Qiime/scripts/]
-O, --jobs_to_start
Number of jobs to start [default: 2]
-P, --poller_fp
Full path to qiime/parallel/ [default: /Users/caporaso/code/Qiime/scripts/]
-R, --retain_temp_files
Retain temporary files after runs complete (useful for debugging) [default: False]
-S, --suppress_submit_jobs
Only split input and write commands file - don’t submit jobs [default: False]
-T, --poll_directly
Poll directly for job completion rather than running poller as a separate job. If -T is specified this script will not return until all jobs have completed. [default: False]
-U, --cluster_jobs_fp
Path to cluster jobs script (defined in qiime_config) [default: /Users/caporaso/code/Qiime/scripts/]
-W, --suppress_polling
Suppress polling of jobs and merging of results upon completion [default: False]
-X, --job_prefix
Job prefix [default: descriptive prefix + random chars]
-Y, --python_exe_fp
Full path to python executable [default: python]
-Z, --seconds_to_sleep
Number of seconds to sleep between checks for run completion when polling runs [default: 6]
-t, --template_fp
Filepath for template against [default: /Users/caporaso/data/greengenes_core_sets/core_set_aligned_imputed.fasta_11_8_07.no_dots]


This results in a multiple sequence alignment (FASTA-formatted).


Align the input file (-i) against /home/qiime_user/pynast_test_template.fasta (-t) via 5 (-O) independent jobs and write the output (-o) to /home/qiime_user/out/: -i /home/qiime_user/10_seq.fasta -O 5 -t /home/qiime_user/pynast_test_template.fasta -o /home/qiime_user/out/

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