News and Announcements » – Reference OTU picking/Shotgun UniFrac workflow.


This script picks OTUs using a reference-based method and constructs an OTU table. Taxonomy is assigned using a pre-defined taxonomy map of reference sequence OTU to taxonomy. If full-length genomes are provided as the reference sequences, this script applies the Shotgun UniFrac method.

Usage: [options]

Input Arguments:



-i, --input_fp
The input sequences
-r, --reference_fp
The reference sequences
-o, --output_dir
The output directory


-p, --parameter_fp
Path to the parameter file, which specifies changes to the default behavior. See . [if omitted, default values will be used]
-t, --taxonomy_fp
The taxonomy map [default: None]
-f, --force
Force overwrite of existing output directory (note: existing files in output_dir will not be removed) [default: None]
-w, --print_only
Print the commands but don’t call them – useful for debugging [default: False]
-a, --parallel
Run in parallel where available [default: False]
-O, --jobs_to_start
Number of jobs to start. NOTE: you must also pass -a to run in parallel, this defines the number of jobs to be started if and only if -a is passed [default: 1]


Pick OTUs, assign taxonomy, and create an OTU table against a reference set of OTUs. -i inseqs.fasta -r refseqs.fasta -o out -p qiime_parameters.txt -t taxa.txt

Pick OTUs and create an OTU table against a reference set of OTUs without adding taxonomy assignments. -i inseqs.fasta -r refseqs.fasta -o out -p qiime_parameters.txt

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