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Basic Unix/Linux/OS X commands

This document covers some very basic unix commands that will be useful working with QIIME. You can find a lot of resources both on the web and as books.


cd : change directory

Change to data:

cd data

Change to your home directory:


Change to one directory higher (e.g. if you’re in /home/greg/data/ change to /home/greg/):

cd ..

mv: move/rename file or directory

Rename old_filename to new_filename:

mv old_filename new_filename

wget: pull a file from a remote location

Pull the greengenes reference OTU file (4feb2011):


cp: copy a file

Copy my_file.txt to my_file.txt.backup:

cp my_file.txt my_file.txt.backup

Compress a directory to a tgz file

Compress the my_data/ directory into a single file:

tar -czf my_data.tgz my_data/

Uncompress a tgz file into the current directory

Expand the my_data.tgz file:

tar -xzf my_data.tgz

Uncompress a zip file

Uncompress the QIIME tutorial data:


Working with files

Print the first 10 lines of my_file.txt to screen:

head -n 10 my_file.txt

Print the last 10 lines of my_file.txt to screen:

tail -n 10 my_file.txt

Print all of the my_file.txt to screen:

cat my_file.txt

Open my_file.txt for editing with the pico text editor (go here for help with pico):

pico my_file.txt

View the file interactively in read-only mode. The stop viewing the file hit q:

less my_file.txt
