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Automated script testing

QIIME is well-tested: we make automated software testing a high priority, as you can see by reviewing the Qiime/tests/ directory here. After installing QIIME, users can run the automated test suite by changing to the Qiime/tests directory and running:

These tests are additionally run on a nightly basis, and developers are alerted to test failures.

One limitation of our testing strategy in QIIME however has been that it doesn’t test the script interfaces, which are the primary point of interaction with users. So, for example, if script looks something like this:

from qiime.filter import filter_samples_from_otu_table
from qiime.filter import filter_otus_from_otu_table


if run_mode == 'filter_samples':
elif run_mode == 'filter_otus':
        raise ValueError, "Unknown run_mode."

and a developer accidentally removes the from qiime.filter import filter_otus_from_otu_table line but only tests with run_mode == 'filter_samples', we may not catch the error before release of the software. These types of errors generally result in cryptic error messages, which frustrates users and increases our technical support load. As powerful as the underlying code may be, this simple, common mistake makes it useless to the end user.

To detect these types of errors, we’ve developed a script interface testing framework that makes use of the usage_examples in the script_info object that is implemented by all scripts. This framework relies on a set of example files that can be used with QIIME, as well as a script for running the script usage tests. This is all contained in the qiime_test_data repository. To obtain the test data, run the following command:

git clone git://

The following sections first illustrate how to apply this testing framework locally, and then how to develop QIIME scripts so they can be used with this framework.

Running script usage tests

Interactive mode

After obtaining the qiime_test_data repository, you can cd to that directory. You’ll see a script called You can run this from the qiime_test_data directory by calling:

./ -i $PWD/ -l $HOME/all_qime_script_tests.log -v

This will run all of the tests which are currently defined in verbose mode. You can run specific tests by passing the names of those tests via the -t parameter. For example, to run only the tests for and you can run the following:

./ -i $PWD/ -l $HOME/qime_script_tests.log -t add_taxa,make_otu_table -v

These tests will print output to the screen because you’ve passed -v. Regardless of whether you pass -v, a summary of the test results will be written to the log path specified by -l.

Automated mode

You can additionally set the script usage tests to run as part of by adding the full path to qiime_tests_data to your QIIME config file. For example:

qiime_test_data_dir /home/ubuntu/qiime_test_data will detect this, and run all of the script usage tests that are currently defined.

How the script usage tests work

You’ll see many sub-directories in qiime_test_data with names corresponding to the names of QIIME scripts. Each of these directories contains example input and output for the corresponding QIIME script. For example, the add_taxa directory contains the following test data for

ls add_taxa/
otu_table_no_tax.biom   otu_table_w_score.biom  otu_table_w_tax_only.biom       tax.txt
otu_table_w_alt_labeled_tax.biom        otu_table_w_tax.biom    score_only.txt  tax_only.txt

If you call -h, you’ll see the following usage examples:

Example: Given an input otu table with no metadata (otu_table_no_tax.biom) and a tab-separated
text file mapping OTU ids to taxonomic assignments and scores associated with those assignments
(tax.txt), generate a new otu table that includes taxonomic assignments (otu_table_w_tax.biom). -i otu_table_no_tax.biom -o otu_table_w_tax.biom -t tax.txt

Example: Given an input otu table with no metadata (otu_table_no_tax.biom) and a tab-separated
text file mapping OTU ids to taxonomic assignments and scores associated with those assignments
(tax.txt), generate a new otu table that includes taxonomic assignments (otu_table_w_tax.biom)
with alternate metadata identifiers. -i otu_table_no_tax.biom -o otu_table_w_alt_labeled_tax.biom -t tax.txt -l "Consensus Lineage,Score"

Example: Given an input otu table with no metadata (otu_table_no_tax.biom) and a tab-separated
text file mapping OTU ids to some value, generate a new otu table that includes that metadata
category labeled as "Score" (otu_table_w_score.biom). -i otu_table_no_tax.biom -o otu_table_w_score.biom -t score_only.txt -l "Score" --all_strings

What you’ll notice is that the usage example input and output files correspond to the files in qiime_test_data/add_taxa. The script interface testing works by copying all of the files in add_taxa to a temporary directory, changing into that directory, running each of the usage examples, and confirming that the script exited successfully (i.e., with an exit status of 0).


Currently the script usage tests only test whether a script exits successfully: they do not check whether the results correspond to the example output. The reasoning is that that would duplicate the functionality of the unit tests (which isn’t a bad thing, except that implementing this would be a lot of work). These are tests that the interfaces themselves are working.

If you don’t see a directory corresponding to a script name in the qiime_test_data directory, that means that a script interface test has not been defined for the given script. We’re currently working on extending this framework to cover all QIIME scripts.

Adding script interface testing for new scripts

Adding new script interface tests is easy. All you do is create a new test directory in qiime_test_data, where the name of the directory corresponds to the script’s name. For example, if you’re adding tests for, you’d add a directory called my_script. In that directory you would create example input and output files for all of the script usage examples that are defined in your script. Make several usage examples that make use of different paths through your script.

Full paths

We recommend specifying full paths for many of QIIME scripts, and importantly for workflow and parallel scripts. To do this in your usage example, replace the full path with $PWD. For example (from

Simple example: The following command will start an analysis on seqs.fna (-i), which is a
post-split_libraries fasta file. The sequence identifiers in this file should be of the form
<sample_id>_<unique_seq_id>. The following steps, corresponding to the preliminary data
preparation, are applied: Pick de novo OTUs at 97%; pick a representative sequence for each
OTU (the OTU centroid sequence); align the representative set with PyNAST; assign taxonomy
with RDP classifier; filter the alignment prior to tree building - remove positions which
are all gaps, and specified as 0 in the lanemask; build a phylogenetic tree with FastTree;
build an OTU table. All output files will be written to the directory specified by -o, and
subdirectories as appropriate. ALWAYS SPECIFY ABSOLUTE FILE PATHS (absolute path represented
here as $PWD, but will generally look something like /home/ubuntu/my_analysis/). -i $PWD/seqs.fna -o $PWD/otus/

Cleaning up output files

Some scripts require that the user-specified output directory does not exist when the script runs, but we provide example output in the test directory. To automatically remove output directories prior to running the tests, add the script_usage_output_to_remove entry to your script info. For example, from

script_info['script_usage_output_to_remove'] = ['$PWD/otus/']
