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This script generates a 3D plot comparing two or more sets of principal coordinates using as input two or more principal coordinates files. Edges are drawn in the plot connecting samples with the same ID across different principal coordinates files. The user can also include a file listing the edges to be drawn in the plot, in which case the user may submit any number of principal coordinates files (including one). If the user includes the edges file, the sample IDs need not match between principal coordinates files.
The principal_coordinates coordinates files are obtained by applying “” to a file containing beta diversity measures. The beta diversity files are optained by applying “” to an OTU table. One may apply “” to the principal_coordinates coordinates files before using this script to compare them.
Usage: [options]
Input Arguments:
This script results in a folder containing an html file which displays the 3D Plots generated.
Example 1:
Compare two pca/pcoa files in the same 3d plot where each sample ID is assigned its own color: -i $PWD/raw_pca_data1.txt,$PWD/raw_pca_data2.txt -m $PWD/Fasting_Map.txt
Example 2:
Compare two pca/pcoa files in the same 3d plot with two coloring schemes (Treatment and DOB): -i $PWD/raw_pca_data1.txt,$PWD/raw_pca_data2.txt -m $PWD/Fasting_Map.txt -b 'Treatment,DOB'
Example 3:
Compare two pca/pcoa files in the same 3d plot for a combination of label headers from a mapping file: -i $PWD/raw_pca_data1.txt,$PWD/raw_pca_data2.txt -m $PWD/Fasting_Map.txt -b 'Treatment&&DOB' -o $PWD/test/
Example 4:
Pass in a list of desired edges and only one pca/pcoa file: -i $PWD/raw_pca_data1.txt -e $PWD/edges.txt -m Fasting_Map.txt -b 'Treatment&&DOB' -o $PWD/test2/
Example 5:
Pass in a list of desired edges and only one pca/pcoa file: -i $PWD/raw_pca_data1.txt,$PWD/raw_pca_data2.txt -e $PWD/edges.txt -m $PWD/Fasting_Map.txt -b 'Treatment&&DOB' -o $PWD/test3/