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This script takes a set of aligned sequences (query) either in the same file as the aligned reference set or separated (depending on method) along with a starting tree and produces a new tree containing the query sequences. This script requires that the user is running Raxml v7.3.0, PPlacer git repository version and ParsInsert 1.0.4.
Usage: [options]
Input Arguments:
The result of this script produces a tree file (in Newick format) along with a log file containing the output from the underlying tool used for tree insertion.
RAxML Example (default):
If you just want to use the default options, you can supply an alignment files where the query and reference sequences are included, along with a starting tree as follows: -i aligned_query_seqs.fasta -r aligned_reference_seqs.fasta -t starting_tree.tre -o insertion_results
ParsInsert Example:
If you want to insert sequences using pplacer, you can supply a fasta file containg query sequences (aligned to reference sequences) along with the reference alignment, a starting tree and the stats file produced when building the starting tree via pplacer as follows: -i aligned_query_seqs.fasta -r aligned_reference_seqs.fasta -t starting_tree.tre -o insertion_results -m parsinsert
Pplacer Example:
If you want to insert sequences using pplacer, you can supply a fasta file containg query sequences (aligned to reference sequences) along with the reference alignment, a starting tree and the stats file produced when building the starting tree via pplacer as follows: -i aligned_query_seqs.fasta -r aligned_reference_seqs.fasta -t starting_tree.tre -o insertion_results -m pplacer
Parameters file:
Additionally, users can supply a parameters file to change the options of the underlying tools as follows: -i aligned_query_seqs.fasta -r aligned_reference_seqs.fasta -t starting_tree.tre -o insertion_results -p raxml_parameters.txt