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To visualize the distance between samples and/or categories in the metadata mapping file, the user can generate histograms to represent the distances between samples. This script generates an HTML file, where the user can compare the distances between samples based on the different categories associated to each sample in the metadata mapping file.
Distance histograms provide a way to compare different categories and see which tend to have larger/smaller distances than others. For example, in a hand study, you may want to compare the distances between hands to the distances between individuals (with the file “hand_distances.txt” using the parameter -d hand_distances.txt). The categories are defined in the metadata mapping file (specified using the parameter -m hand_map.txt). If you want to look at the distances between hands and individuals, choose the “Hand” field and “Individual” field (using the parameter –fields Hand,Individual (notice the fields are comma-delimited)). For each of these groups of distances a histogram is made. The output is an HTML file which is created in the “Distance_Histograms” directory (using the parameter -o Distance_Histograms to specify output directory) where you can look at all the distance histograms individually, and compare them between each other.
Usage: [options]
Input Arguments:
The result of this script will be a folder containing images and/or an HTML file (with appropriate javascript files), depending on the user-defined parameters.
Distance histograms example:
In the following command, the user supplies a distance matrix (i.e. the resulting file from, the user-generated metadata mapping file and one category “Treatment” to generate distance histograms. -d unweighted_unifrac_dm.txt -m Fasting_Map.txt --fields Treatment -o example1
Multiple categories:
For comparison of multiple categories (e.g. Treatment, DOB), you can use the following command (separating each category with a comma). -d unweighted_unifrac_dm.txt -m Fasting_Map.txt --fields Treatment,DOB -o example2
Suppress HTML output:
By default, HTML output is automatically generated. If the user would like to suppress the HTML output, you can use the following command. -d unweighted_unifrac_dm.txt -m Fasting_Map.txt --fields Treatment --suppress_html_output -o example3
Preferences file:
You can provide your own preferences file (prefs.txt) with the following command. If a preferences file is supplied, you do not need to supply fields on the command-line. -d unweighted_unifrac_dm.txt -m Fasting_Map.txt -p prefs.txt -o example4