News and Announcements » – Creates boxplots to compare distances between categories


This script creates boxplots that allow for the comparison between different categories found within the mapping file. The boxplots that are created show the distances within all samples of a field value, as well as between different field values. Individual within and individual between distances are also plotted.

For more information and examples pertaining to this script, please refer to the accompanying tutorial, which can be found at

Usage: [options]

Input Arguments:



-m, --mapping_fp
The mapping filepath
-o, --output_dir
Path to the output directory
-d, --distance_matrix_fp
Input distance matrix filepath (i.e. the result of
-f, --fields
Comma-separated list of fields to compare, where the list of fields should be in quotes (e.g. “Field1,Field2,Field3”)


-g, --imagetype
Type of image to produce (i.e. png, svg, pdf) [default: pdf]
Store raw data used to create boxplots in tab-delimited files [default: False]
Suppress plotting of “all within” boxplot [default: False]
Suppress plotting of “all between” boxplot [default: False]
Suppress plotting of individual “within” boxplot(s) [default: False]
Suppress plotting of individual “between” boxplot(s) [default: False]
The minimum y-axis value in the resulting plot. If “auto”, it is automatically calculated [default: 0]
The maximum y-axis value in the resulting plot. If “auto”, it is automatically calculated [default: 1]
Width of the output image in inches. If not provided, a “best guess” width will be used [default: auto]
Height of the output image in inches [default: 6]
Make output images transparent (useful for overlaying an image on top of a colored background) [default: False]
Length of the whiskers as a function of the IQR. For example, if 1.5, the whiskers extend to 1.5 * IQR. Anything outside of that range is seen as an outlier [default: 1.5]
Width of each box in plot units [default: 0.5]
The color of the boxes. Can be any valid matplotlib color string, such as “black”, “magenta”, “blue”, etc. See for more examples of valid color strings that may be used [default: same as plot background, which is white unless –transparent is enabled]
Sort boxplots by increasing median. If no sorting is applied, boxplots will be grouped logically as follows: all within, all between, individual within, and individual between [default: False]


Images of the plots are written to the specified output directory (one image per field). The raw data used in the plots can optionally be written into tab-delimited files (one file per field).

Compare distances between Fast and Control for Treatment field:

This example will generate an image with boxplots for all within and all between distances for the field Treatment, and will also include plots for individual within (e.g. Control vs. Control, Fast vs. Fast) and individual between (e.g. Control vs. Fast). The generated plot image PDF will be written to the output directory ‘out_files’. -d dist_matrix.txt -m map.txt -f "Treatment" -o out_files

Only plot individual distances:

This example will generate a PNG of all of individual distances (within and between) for the Treatment field. -d dist_matrix.txt -m map.txt -f "Treatment" -o out_files -g png --suppress_all_within --suppress_all_between

Save raw data:

This example will generate an SVG image of the boxplots and also output the plotting data to a tab-delimited file. -d dist_matrix.txt -m map.txt -f "Treatment" -o out_files -g svg --save_raw_data

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