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QIIME provides three high-level protocols for OTU picking. These can be described as de novo, closed-reference, and open-reference OTU picking, and are accessible through,, and Each of these protocols are described in this document, and commands are provided which illustrate how to run each of these with uclust and usearch 6.1 (i.e, usearch61).
In a de novo OTU picking process, reads are clustered against one another without any external reference sequence collection. is the primary interface for de novo OTU picking in QIIME, and includes taxonomy assignment, sequence alignment, and tree-building steps. A benefit of de novo OTU picking is that all reads are clustered. A drawback is that there is no existing support for running this in parallel in QIIME, so it can be too slow to apply to large datasets (e.g., more than 10 million reads).
You must use de novo OTU picking if:
You cannot use de novo OTU picking if:
In a closed-reference OTU picking process, reads are clustered against a reference sequence collection and any reads which do not hit a sequence in the reference sequence collection are excluded from downstream analyses. is the primary interface for closed-reference OTU picking in QIIME. If the user provides taxonomic assignments for sequences in the reference database, those are assigned to OTUs.
You must use closed-reference OTU picking if:
You cannot use closed-reference OTU picking if:
In an open-reference OTU picking process, reads are clustered against a reference sequence collection and any reads which do not hit the reference sequence collection are subsequently clustered de novo. is the primary interface for open-reference OTU picking in QIIME, and includes taxonomy assignment, sequence alignment, and tree-building steps.
Open-reference OTU picking with is the preferred strategy for OTU picking among the QIIME developers.
You cannot use open-reference OTU picking if:
The same workflow commands are used for running OTU picking with usearch61 and uclust. To run the methods with usearch61, you will need to either pass in a parameters file or specify -m usearch61 on the command line, depending on what workflow you are using. See QIIME parameters files for information on parameter files.
It’s a good idea, particularly for when running these workflows in parallel, to specify absolute paths for your input and output files. That is indicated here with $PWD, but in practice it will often looks something like $HOME/my-analysis/seqs.fna.
The reference-based OTU picking workflows require that the user provide reference files (the reference sequence collection). Here we define some environment variables to point to those locations. These paths will likely be different on your system. You can download QIIME-compatible reference files from the QIIME resources page. In this example we’re working with the Greengenes 12_10 reference OTU collection. You can set environment variables to point to these as follows:
export QIIME_DIR=$HOME/qiime_software
export reference_seqs=$QIIME_DIR/gg_otus-12_10-release/rep_set/97_otus.fasta
export reference_tree=$QIIME_DIR/gg_otus-12_10-release/trees/97_otus.tree
export reference_tax=$QIIME_DIR/gg_otus-12_10-release/taxonomy/97_otu_taxonomy.txt
With uclust: -i $PWD/seqs.fna -o $PWD/dn_uc/
With usearch61: -i $PWD/seqs.fna -o $PWD/dn_us/ -p $PWD/usearch_params.txt
where the following information is in usearch_params.txt:
pick_otus:otu_picking_method usearch61
The key output files are otu_table.biom, the OTU table, and rep_set.tre, the phylogenetic tree relating the OTUs in the OTU table.
You can find an additional example using de novo OTU picking in 454 Overview Tutorial: de novo OTU picking and diversity analyses using 454 data.
With uclust: -i $PWD/seqs.fna -o $PWD/cr_uc/ -r $reference_seqs -t $reference_tax
With usearch61: -i $PWD/seqs.fna -o $PWD/cr_us/ -r $reference_seqs -t $reference_tax -p $PWD/usearch_ref_params.txt
where the following information is in usearch_ref_params.txt:
pick_otus:otu_picking_method usearch61_ref
The key output file is otu_table.biom, the OTU table. Note that there is no phylogenetic tree generated in this protocol - as all OTUs are defined by reference sequences, it is assumed that a tree already exists (which would likely be better than the one generated here).
With uclust: -i seqs.fna -o or_uc/ -r $reference_seqs
With usearch61: -i seqs.fna -o or_us/ -r $reference_seqs -m usearch61
The key output files are otu_table.biom, the OTU table, and rep_set.tre, the phylogenetic tree relating the OTUs in the OTU table.
You can find an additional example using open-reference OTU picking in Illumina Overview Tutorial (an IPython Notebook): open reference OTU picking and core diversity analyses.
If you’re interested only in dereplicated sequences as your OTU picking process, that is a special case of de novo clustering where the similarity threshold is 100%. To achieve that you can do the following.
With uclust: -i $PWD/seqs.fna -o $PWD/derep_uc/ -p $PWD/uclust_dereplication_params.txt
where the following is in $PWD/uclust_dereplication_params.txt:
pick_otus:similarity 1.0
With usearch61: -i $PWD/seqs.fna -o $PWD/derep_us/ -p $PWD/usearch_dereplication_params.txt
where the following information is in usearch_dereplication_params.txt:
pick_otus:otu_picking_method usearch61
pick_otus:similarity 1.0
If you’re interested in running the usearch OTU pickers in size-order mode (meaning that accepts are prioritized by the size of the cluster rather than the percent identity), add the following lines to a parameters file:
pick_otus:sizeorder True
pick_otus:maxaccepts 16
pick_otus:maxrejects 64
For example, in de novo mode: -i $PWD/seqs.fna -o $PWD/dn_us_sizeorder/ -p $PWD/dn_sizeorder_params.txt
where the following information is in dn_sizeorder_params.txt:
pick_otus:otu_picking_method usearch61
pick_otus:sizeorder True
pick_otus:max_accepts 16
pick_otus:max_rejects 64
In closed-reference mode: -i $PWD/seqs.fna -o $PWD/cr_us_sizeorder/ -r $reference_seqs -t $reference_tax -p $PWD/cr_sizeorder_params.txt
where the following information is in cr_sizeorder_params.txt:
pick_otus:otu_picking_method usearch61_ref
pick_otus:sizeorder True
pick_otus:max_accepts 16
pick_otus:max_rejects 64
In open-reference mode: -i seqs.fna -o or_us_sizeorder/ -r $reference_seqs -m usearch61 -p $PWD/or_sizeorder_params.txt
where the following information is in or_sizeorder_params.txt:
pick_otus:sizeorder True
pick_otus:max_accepts 16
pick_otus:max_rejects 64
If using these tools you should cite both QIIME and usearch or uclust.