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Describing samples based on their metadata

Several scripts in QIIME, including,, and, allow you to describe samples based on metadata about those samples in the mapping file. These scripts will require two parameters to achieve this: the mapping file (usually -m) and the state string (usually --valid_states). This section describes how to use the state string to describe a set of samples. When you describe a set of samples, you’re usually doing that to tell QIIME that you want to retain that set of samples in some filtering operation.

A state string will contain one or more metadata field names (i.e., column header(s) from the mapping file, call this FIELD), and one or more values of that field (call this VALUE). Special characters used in state strings include : (delimiter between a FIELD and a VALUE), , (delimiter between two VALUEs associated with a single FIELD), * (special VALUE that indicates any value), ! (negation modifier, which indicates any value other than the one specified), and ; (delimiter between multiple FIELD/VALUE combinations).

To describe the values associated with some field with a state string, that state string should look like: FIELD:VALUE. For example, if you have a BodySite field in your mapping file, and you want to describe all of the samples that contain the value Gut in that field in the mapping file, your state string should look like BodySite:Gut. To negate this, to describe all samples that don’t have Gut in the BodySite field, your state string should look like BodySite:*,!Gut. In this case the * is saying any value, and the !Gut is saying except Gut.

To describe data based on more than one field, you can separate FIELD:VALUE pairs with a ;, as in FIELD1:VALUE1;FIELD2:VALUE2. For example, BodySite:Gut;Age:42 would describe all samples with the value Gut in the BodySite field, and 42 in the Age field. You can of course use the negation operator here as well. For example, BodySite:*,!Gut;Age:42 would describe all samples that don’t have the value Gut in the BodySite field, and do have 42 in the Age field.

IMPORTANT: When passing state strings on the command line, you must put these in single quotes to avoid the shell interpreting these directly. For example: -i otu_table.biom -o otu_table_not_control.biom -m map.txt -s 'Treatment:*,!Control'

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