News and Announcements » – Filter OTUs from an OTU table based on their observation counts or identifier.


Usage: [options]

Input Arguments:



-i, --input_fp
The input otu table filepath in biom format
-o, --output_fp
The output filepath in biom format


Keep OTUs in otu_ids_to_exclude_fp rather than discard them [default:False]
-n, --min_count
The minimum total observation count of an otu for that otu to be retained [default: 0]
Fraction of the total observation (sequence) count to apply as the minimum total observation count of an otu for that otu to be retained. this is a fraction, not percent, so if you want to filter to 1%, you specify 0.01. [default: 0]
-x, --max_count
The maximum total observation count of an otu for that otu to be retained [default: infinity]
-s, --min_samples
The minimum number of samples an OTU must be observed in for that otu to be retained [default: 0]
-y, --max_samples
The maximum number of samples an OTU must be observed in for that otu to be retained [default: infinity]
-e, --otu_ids_to_exclude_fp
File containing list of OTU ids to exclude: can be a text file with one id per line, a text file where id is the first value in a tab-separated line, or can be a fasta file (extension must be .fna or .fasta) [default: None]


Singleton filtering:

Discard all OTUs that are observed fewer than 2 times (i.e., singletons) -i otu_table.biom -o otu_table_no_singletons.biom -n 2

Abundance filtering:

Discard all OTUs that are observed greater than 100 times (e.g., if you want to look at low abundance OTUs only) -i otu_table.biom -o otu_table_low_abundance.biom -x 100

Chimera filtering:

Discard all OTUs listed in chimeric_otus.txt (e.g., to remove chimeric OTUs from an OTU table) -i otu_table.biom -o otu_table_non_chimeric.biom -e chimeric_otus.txt
