News and Announcements » – Run on multiple files.


This script runs on data that are already demultiplexed (split up according to sample, with one sample per pair of files). The script supports the following types of input:

  • a directory containing many files, where each file is named on a per-sample basis
  • a directory containing many directories, where each directory is named on a per-sample basis

The script assumes that the leading/trailing characters before/after the read number indicator (see –read1_indicator) are matched between forward and reverse reads. For example:

  • S0_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz and S0_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz would be matched up reads
  • S0_L002_R1_00X.fastq.gz and S0_L002_R2_00X.fastq.gz would be matched up reads

If an optional –barcode_indicator file is used, it is searched for in the same manner that the paired files are searched for, so if the default “_I1_” is used, S0_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz and S0_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz would be matched up with S0_L001_I1_001.fastq.gz as the barcode indicator file.

The output directory used for each call to uses the base name of the input read 1 fastq file (a single directory would be problematic since the output names for can be the same for different calls). Use the parameter –include_input_dir_path to also include the input directory name in the output directory path, which may be preferable in the case of an input folder of folders, and –remove_filepath_in_name can be used in this case to prevent the input read 1 fastq file base name from being used as part of the output directory name.

Usage: [options]

Input Arguments:



-i, --input_dir
Input directory of directories, or directory of paired fastq files.
-o, --output_dir
Base output directory to write output folders


-p, --parameter_fp
Path to the parameter file, which specifies changes to the default behavior of See [default: defaults will be used]
Substring to search for to indicate read 1 [default: _R1_]
Substring to search for to indicate read 2 [default: _R2_]
-b, --match_barcodes
Enable searching for matching barcodes [default: False]
Substring to search for to indicate barcode reads [default: _I1_]
Leading text to add to each command [default: no leading text added]
Trailing text to add to each command [default: no trailing text added]
Include the input directory name in the output directory path. Useful in cases where the file names are repeated in input folders [default: False]
Disable inclusion of the input filename in the output directory names. Must use –include_input_dir_path if this option is enabled [default: False]
-w, --print_only
Print the commands but don’t call them – useful for debugging [default: False]


The output of running on many input files. See script description for more details.

Example 1:

Process an input folder of paired-up files (by filename, with the default _R1_ and _R2_ containing the forward and reverse reads filenames, respectively). An optional parameters file is passed with -p. This file can specify an optional parameter for, such as: join_paired_ends:pe_join_method SeqPrep -i input_files -o output_folder -p qiime_parameters.txt

Example 2:

Process an input folder of folders (with the filenames having _forward_ and _reverse_ containing the forward and reverse read filenames, respectively). The individual folder names are included in the output folder names, but not the filenames. A matching barcode fastq file (indicated by _barcode_) is also included. -i input_folders -o output_folder --read1_indicator '_forward_' --read2_indicator '_reverse_' --include_input_dir_path --remove_filepath_in_name -b --barcode_indicator '_barcode_'

Example 3:

To see what commands would be executed by the script without actually running them, use the following command: -i input_files -o output_folder -w
